SCORE by example ================ Token & Crowdsale ----------------- This document will explain how to write SCOREs with T-Bears framework. Let’s start by creating a simple token contract. You can create an empty project using ``init`` command. Suppose your project name is ‘sample_token’ and the main class name is ‘SampleToken’. :: $ tbears init sample_token SampleToken Above command will create a project folder, ``sample_token``, and generate ````, ````, and ``package.json`` files in the folder. ```` has the main class declaration whose name is ``SampleToken``. You need to implement ``SampleToken`` class. IRC-2 standard defines the common behavior of tokens running on ICON. IRC-2 compliant token must implement following methods. The specification is here, `IRC-2 `__. .. code:: python @external(readonly=True) def name(self) -> str: @external(readonly=True) def symbol(self) -> str: @external(readonly=True) def decimals(self) -> int: @external(readonly=True) def totalSupply(self) -> int: @external(readonly=True) def balanceOf(self, _owner: Address) -> int: @external def transfer(self, _to: Address, _value: int, _data: bytes=None): Below is a complete token implementation. You can copy and paste it to fill your ````. Note that ``TokenFallbackInterface`` is declared in the beginning to interact with ``SampleCrowdsale`` contract defined later. (In fact, ``tbears samples`` command will generate the two sample projects, ``standard_token`` and ``standard_crowdsale``, with the complete source code provided. However, we used ``init`` command here to illustrate how to create a new project.) When you deploy the contract, ``on_install`` method is called. You can pass the amount of initial tokens to the parameter ``initialSupply``, and, in this example, 100% of initial tokens go to the contract owner. .. code:: python from iconservice import * TAG = 'SampleToken' # An interface of ICON Token Standard, IRC-2 class TokenStandard(ABC): @abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: pass @abstractmethod def symbol(self) -> str: pass @abstractmethod def decimals(self) -> int: pass @abstractmethod def totalSupply(self) -> int: pass @abstractmethod def balanceOf(self, _owner: Address) -> int: pass @abstractmethod def transfer(self, _to: Address, _value: int, _data: bytes = None): pass # An interface of tokenFallback. # Receiving SCORE that has implemented this interface can handle # the receiving or further routine. class TokenFallbackInterface(InterfaceScore): @interface def tokenFallback(self, _from: Address, _value: int, _data: bytes): pass class SampleToken(IconScoreBase, TokenStandard): _BALANCES = 'balances' _TOTAL_SUPPLY = 'total_supply' _DECIMALS = 'decimals' @eventlog(indexed=3) def Transfer(self, _from: Address, _to: Address, _value: int, _data: bytes): pass def __init__(self, db: IconScoreDatabase) -> None: super().__init__(db) self._total_supply = VarDB(self._TOTAL_SUPPLY, db, value_type=int) self._decimals = VarDB(self._DECIMALS, db, value_type=int) self._balances = DictDB(self._BALANCES, db, value_type=int) def on_install(self, _initialSupply: int, _decimals: int) -> None: super().on_install() if _initialSupply < 0: revert("Initial supply cannot be less than zero") if _decimals < 0: revert("Decimals cannot be less than zero") total_supply = _initialSupply * 10 ** _decimals Logger.debug(f'on_install: total_supply={total_supply}', TAG) self._total_supply.set(total_supply) self._decimals.set(_decimals) self._balances[self.msg.sender] = total_supply def on_update(self) -> None: super().on_update() @external(readonly=True) def name(self) -> str: return "SampleToken" @external(readonly=True) def symbol(self) -> str: return "ST" @external(readonly=True) def decimals(self) -> int: return self._decimals.get() @external(readonly=True) def totalSupply(self) -> int: return self._total_supply.get() @external(readonly=True) def balanceOf(self, _owner: Address) -> int: return self._balances[_owner] @external def transfer(self, _to: Address, _value: int, _data: bytes = None): if _data is None: _data = b'None' self._transfer(self.msg.sender, _to, _value, _data) def _transfer(self, _from: Address, _to: Address, _value: int, _data: bytes): # Checks the sending value and balance. if _value < 0: revert("Transferring value cannot be less than zero") if self._balances[_from] < _value: revert("Out of balance") self._balances[_from] = self._balances[_from] - _value self._balances[_to] = self._balances[_to] + _value if _to.is_contract: # If the recipient is SCORE, # then calls `tokenFallback` to hand over control. recipient_score = self.create_interface_score(_to, TokenFallbackInterface) recipient_score.tokenFallback(_from, _value, _data) # Emits an event log `Transfer` self.Transfer(_from, _to, _value, _data) Logger.debug(f'Transfer({_from}, {_to}, {_value}, {_data})', TAG) Now, we are going to write a crowdsale contract using above token. Let’s create a new project for the crowdsale contract. :: $ tbears init sample_crowdsale SampleCrowdsale Our crowdsale contract will do the following. - Exchange ratio to ICX is 1:1. Crowdsale target, token contract address, and its duration are set when the contract is first deployed. - ``total_joiner_count`` function returns the number of contributors, and ``check_goal_reached`` function tests if the crowdsale target has been met. - After the crowdsale finished, ``safe_withdrawal`` function transfers the fund to the beneficiary, contract owner in this example, if the sales target has been met. If sales target failed, each contributors can withdraw their contributions back. Again, complete source is given below. Note that crowdsale duration is given in number of blocks, because SCORE logic must be deterministic across nodes, thus it must not rely on clock time. .. code:: python from iconservice import * TAG = 'SampleCrowdsale' # An interface of token to give a reward to anyone who contributes class TokenInterface(InterfaceScore): @interface def transfer(self, _to: Address, _value: int, _data: bytes=None): pass class SampleCrowdsale(IconScoreBase): _ADDR_BENEFICIARY = 'addr_beneficiary' _ADDR_TOKEN_SCORE = 'addr_token_score' _FUNDING_GOAL = 'funding_goal' _AMOUNT_RAISED = 'amount_raised' _DEAD_LINE = 'dead_line' _PRICE = 'price' _BALANCES = 'balances' _JOINER_LIST = 'joiner_list' _FUNDING_GOAL_REACHED = 'funding_goal_reached' _CROWDSALE_CLOSED = 'crowdsale_closed' @eventlog(indexed=3) def FundTransfer(self, backer: Address, amount: int, is_contribution: bool): pass @eventlog(indexed=2) def GoalReached(self, recipient: Address, total_amount_raised: int): pass def __init__(self, db: IconScoreDatabase) -> None: super().__init__(db) self._addr_beneficiary = VarDB(self._ADDR_BENEFICIARY, db, value_type=Address) self._addr_token_score = VarDB(self._ADDR_TOKEN_SCORE, db, value_type=Address) self._funding_goal = VarDB(self._FUNDING_GOAL, db, value_type=int) self._amount_raised = VarDB(self._AMOUNT_RAISED, db, value_type=int) self._dead_line = VarDB(self._DEAD_LINE, db, value_type=int) self._price = VarDB(self._PRICE, db, value_type=int) self._balances = DictDB(self._BALANCES, db, value_type=int) self._joiner_list = ArrayDB(self._JOINER_LIST, db, value_type=Address) self._funding_goal_reached = VarDB(self._FUNDING_GOAL_REACHED, db, value_type=bool) self._crowdsale_closed = VarDB(self._CROWDSALE_CLOSED, db, value_type=bool) def on_install(self, _fundingGoalInIcx: int, _tokenScore: Address, _durationInBlocks: int) -> None: """ Called when this SCORE first deployed. :param _fundingGoalInIcx: The funding goal of this crowdsale, in ICX :param _tokenScore: SCORE address of token that will be used for the rewards :param _durationInBlocks: the sale duration is given in number of blocks """ super().on_install() Logger.debug(f'on_install: fundingGoalInIcx={_fundingGoalInIcx}', TAG) Logger.debug(f'on_install: tokenScore={_tokenScore}', TAG) Logger.debug(f'on_install: durationInBlocks={_durationInBlocks}', TAG) if _fundingGoalInIcx < 0: revert("Funding goal cannot be less than zero") if _durationInBlocks < 0: revert("Duration cannot be less than zero") # The exchange ratio to ICX is 1:1 icx_cost_of_each_token = 1 self._addr_beneficiary.set(self.msg.sender) self._addr_token_score.set(_tokenScore) self._funding_goal.set(_fundingGoalInIcx) self._dead_line.set(self.block.height + _durationInBlocks) price = int(icx_cost_of_each_token) self._price.set(price) self._funding_goal_reached.set(False) self._crowdsale_closed.set(True) # Crowdsale closed by default def on_update(self) -> None: super().on_update() @external def tokenFallback(self, _from: Address, _value: int, _data: bytes): """ Implements `tokenFallback` in order for the SCORE to receive initial tokens to reward to the contributors """ # Checks if the caller is a Token SCORE address that this SCORE is interested in. if self.msg.sender != self._addr_token_score.get(): revert("Unknown token address") # Depositing tokens can only be done by owner if _from != self.owner: revert("Invalid sender") if _value < 0: revert("Depositing value cannot be less than zero") # start Crowdsale hereafter self._crowdsale_closed.set(False) Logger.debug(f'tokenFallback: token supply = "{_value}"', TAG) @payable def fallback(self): """ Called when anyone sends funds to the SCORE. This SCORE regards it as a contribution. """ if self._crowdsale_closed.get(): revert('Crowdsale is closed.') # Accepts the contribution amount = self.msg.value self._balances[self.msg.sender] = self._balances[self.msg.sender] + amount self._amount_raised.set(self._amount_raised.get() + amount) value = amount // self._price.get() data = b'called from Crowdsale' # Gives tokens to the contributor as a reward token_score = self.create_interface_score(self._addr_token_score.get(), TokenInterface) token_score.transfer(self.msg.sender, value, data) if self.msg.sender not in self._joiner_list: self._joiner_list.put(self.msg.sender) self.FundTransfer(self.msg.sender, amount, True) Logger.debug(f'FundTransfer({self.msg.sender}, {amount}, True)', TAG) @external(readonly=True) def totalJoinerCount(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of contributors. :return: the number of contributors """ return len(self._joiner_list) def _after_dead_line(self) -> bool: # Checks if it has been reached to the deadline block Logger.debug(f'after_dead_line: block.height = {self.block.height}', TAG) Logger.debug(f'after_dead_line: dead_line() = {self._dead_line.get()}', TAG) return self.block.height >= self._dead_line.get() @external def checkGoalReached(self): """ Checks if the goal has been reached and ends the campaign. """ if self._after_dead_line(): if self._amount_raised.get() >= self._funding_goal.get(): self._funding_goal_reached.set(True) self.GoalReached(self._addr_beneficiary.get(), self._amount_raised.get()) Logger.debug(f'Goal reached!', TAG) self._crowdsale_closed.set(True) @external def safeWithdrawal(self): """ Withdraws the funds. If the funding goal has been reached, sends the entire amount to the beneficiary. If the goal was not reached, each contributor can withdraw the amount they contributed. """ if self._after_dead_line(): # each contributor can withdraw the amount they contributed if the goal was not reached if not self._funding_goal_reached.get(): amount = self._balances[self.msg.sender] self._balances[self.msg.sender] = 0 if amount > 0: if self.icx.send(self.msg.sender, amount): self.FundTransfer(self.msg.sender, amount, False) Logger.debug(f'FundTransfer({self.msg.sender}, {amount}, False)', TAG) else: self._balances[self.msg.sender] = amount # The sales target has been met. Owner can withdraw the contribution. if self._funding_goal_reached.get() and self._addr_beneficiary.get() == self.msg.sender: if self.icx.send(self._addr_beneficiary.get(), self._amount_raised.get()): self.FundTransfer(self._addr_beneficiary.get(), self._amount_raised.get(), False) Logger.debug(f'FundTransfer({self._addr_beneficiary.get()},' f'{self._amount_raised.get()}, False)', TAG) else: # if the transfer to beneficiary fails, unlock contributors balance Logger.debug(f'Failed to send to beneficiary!', TAG) self._funding_goal_reached.set(False)