Writing SCORE ============= Type hints ^^^^^^^^^^ Type hinting is highly recommended for the input parameters and return value. When querying SCORE’s APIs, API specification is generated based on its type hints. If type hints are not given, only function names will return. Example) .. code:: python @external(readonly=True) def func1(arg1: int, arg2: str) -> int: return 100 Possible data types for function parameters are ``int``, ``str``, ``bytes``, ``bool``, ``Address``. ``List`` and ``Dict`` type parameters are not supported yet. Returning types can be ``int``, ``str``, ``bytes``, ``bool``, ``Address``, ``List``, ``Dict``. Exception handling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When you handle exceptions in your contract, it is recommended to use `revert` function rather than using an exception inherited from `IconServiceBaseException`. IconScoreBase (The highest parent class) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Every classes must inherit ``IconScoreBase``. Contracts not derived from ``IconScoreBase`` can not be deployed. \__init_\_ ^^^^^^^^^^ This is a python init function. This function is called when the contract is loaded at each node. Member variables can be declared here, however, Declaring member variables which not managed by states is prohibited. Utilities of DB such as VarDB, DictDB, ArrayDB can be declared here as a member variable as follows. Example) .. code:: python self._total_supply = VarDB(self._TOTAL_SUPPLY, db, value_type=int) self._decimals = VarDB(self._DECIMALS, db, value_type=int) self._balances = DictDB(self._BALANCES, db, value_type=int) Also, parent’s init function must be called as follows. Example) .. code:: python super().__init__(db) on_install ^^^^^^^^^^ This function is called when the contract is deployed for the first time, and will not be called again on contract update or deletion afterward. This is the place where you initialize the state DB. VarDB, DictDB, ArrayDB ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VarDB, DictDB, ArrayDB are utility classes wrapping the state DB. A ``key`` can be a number or characters, and ``value_type`` can be ``int``, ``str``, ``Address``, and ``bytes``. If the ``key`` does not exist, these classes return 0 when ``value_type`` is ``int``, return "" when ``str``, return ``None`` when the ``value_type`` is ``Address`` or ``bytes``. VarDB can be used to store simple key-value state, and DictDB behaves more like python dict. DictDB does not maintain order, whereas ArrayDB, which supports length and iterator, maintains order. VarDB(‘key’, ‘target db’, ‘return type’) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Example) Setting ``theloop`` for the key ``name`` on the state DB: .. code:: python VarDB('name', db, value_type=str).set('theloop') Example) Getting value by the key ``name``: .. code:: python name = VarDB('name', db, value_type=str).get() print(name) ## 'theloop' DictDB(‘key’, ‘target db’, ‘return type’, ‘dict depth (default is 1)’) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Example 1) One-depth dict (test_dict1[‘key’]): .. code:: python test_dict1 = DictDB('test_dict1', db, value_type=int) test_dict1['key'] = 1 ## set print(test_dict1['key']) ## get 1 print(test_dict1['nonexistence_key']) # prints 0 (key does not exist and value_type=int) Example 2) Two-depth dict (test_dict2[‘key1’][‘key2’]): .. code:: python test_dict2 = DictDB('test_dict2', db, value_type=str, depth=2) test_dict2['key1']['key2'] = 'a' ## set print(test_dict2['key1']['key2']) ## get 'a' print(test_dict2['key1']['nonexistent_key']) # prints "" (key does not exist and value_type=str) If the depth is more than 2, dict[key] returns new DictDB. Attempting to set a value to the wrong depth in the DictDB will raise an exception. Example 3) .. code:: python test_dict3 = DictDB('test_dict3', db, value_type=int, depth=3) test_dict3['key1']['key2']['key3'] = 1 ## ok test_dict3['key1']['key2'] = 1 ## raise mismatch exception test_dict2 = test_dict3['key']['key2'] test_dict2['key1'] = 1 ## ok ArrayDB(‘key’, ‘target db’, ‘return type’) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ArrayDB supports one dimensional array only. ArrayDB supports put, get, and pop. Does not support insert (adding elements in the middle of array). .. code:: python test_array = ArrayDB('test_array', db, value_type=int) test_array.put(0) test_array.put(1) test_array.put(2) test_array.put(3) print(len(test_array)) ## prints 4 print(test_array.pop()) ## prints 3 test_array[0] = 0 ## ok # test_array[100] = 1 ## error for e in test_array: ## ok print(e) print(test_array[-1]) ## ok # print(test_array[-100]) ## error external decorator (@external) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Functions decorated with ``@external`` can be called from outside the contract. These functions are registered on the exportable API list. Any attempt to call a non-external function from outside the contract will fail. If a function is decorated with ‘readonly’ parameters, i.e., ``@external(readonly=True)``, the function will have read-only access to the state DB. This is similar to view keyword in Solidity. If the read-only external function is also decorated with ``@payable``, the function call will fail. Duplicate declaration of ``@external`` will raise IconScoreException on import time. payable decorator (@payable) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Only functions with ``@payable`` decorator are permitted to receive incoming ICX coins. Transferring 0 icx is acceptable. If ICX coins (msg.value) are passed to a non-payable function, that transaction will fail. eventlog decorator (@eventlog) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Functions with ``@eventlog`` decorator will include logs in its TxResult as ‘eventlogs’. It is recommended to declare a function without implementation body. Even if the function has a body, it does not be executed. When declaring a function, type hinting is a must. Without type hinting, transaction will fail. The default value for the parameter can be set. If ``indexed`` parameter is set in the decorator, designated number of parameters in the order of declaration will be indexed and included in the Bloom filter. At most 3 parameters can be indexed, And index can’t exceed the number of parameters(will raise an error). Indexed parameters and non-indexed parameters are separately stored in TxResult. Example) .. code:: python # Declaration @eventlog def FundTransfer1(self, _backer: Address, _amount: int, _isContribution: bool): pass @eventlog(indexed=1) # The first param (backer) will be indexed def FundTransfer2(self, _backer: Address, _amount: int, _isContribution: bool): pass # Execution self.FundTransfer1(self.msg.sender, amount, True) self.FundTransfer2(self.msg.sender, amount, True) Possible data types for function parameters are primitive types (int, str, bytes, bool, Address). Array, Dictionary and None type parameter is not supported. fallback ^^^^^^^^ fallback function can not be decorated with ``@external``. (i.e., fallback function is not allowed to be called by external contract or user.) This fallback function is executed whenever the contract receives plain icx coins without data. If the fallback function is not decorated with ``@payable``, the icx coin transfers to the contract will fail. InterfaceScore ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ InterfaceScore is an interface class used to invoke other SCORE’s function. This interface should be used instead of legacy ‘call’ function. Usage syntax is as follows. .. code:: python class TokenInterface(InterfaceScore): @interface def transfer(self, addr_to: Address, value: int) -> bool: pass If other SCORE has the function that has the same signature as defined here with ``@interface`` decorator, then that function can be invoked via InterfaceScore class object. Like ``@eventlog`` decorator, it is recommended to declare a function without implementation body. If there is a function body, it will be simply ignored. Example) You need to get an InterfaceScore object by using IconScoreBase’s built-in function ``create_interface_score('score address', 'interface class')``. Using the object, you can invoke other SCORE’s external function as if it is a local function call. .. code:: python token_score = self.create_interface_score(self._addr_token_score.get(), TokenInterface) token_score.transfer(self.msg.sender, value)